Sunday, March 24, 2013


Standing in front of a crystal looking what happens outside, in transit, waiting.

Watching at details of power, suspended technology, housed in transition.

You sit down and go over some letters and entertain yourself, by the way.

Right now you are a citizen of a place without flags or territorial boundaries.

A resident in your clothes and warm hands full of illusions.

At this time you stay in front of yourself.

You get up and walk a bit longer recognizing the physical extent of the corridor,
Many voices, faces, gestures, smells, situations that none belong to you and you to them either.

You start to talk to yourself, large and airy.

Debates, laughing, sadden you and move on with your endocrine sound.

On the way, on the path, conscious to the abyss or Glory, warned.

How much hope you deposited in this departure, no established.

Decisions, modes, colors and clock needles , many places in one.

Are you deep inside me.

A tide advantageous stalker, a very fierce wave that suddenly explodes and traps  you.

A sudden situation, a scare impertinent.

Fever that does not sweat, virgin and alternative.

And then you come out of the connector unstable, steel tube and glass.

Take off the turning wheel, in re-turn.

Is that yourself deep inside me.


Parado frente a un cristal miras afuera lo que sucede, en transito, en espera.

Fijándote en detalles de poder, tecnología suspendida, alojado en transición.

Te sientas y repasas algunas letras y te entretienes, de paso.

En este momento eres un ciudadano de un lugar sin banderas ni limites territoriales.

Un residente dentro de tus ropas y tus manos abrigadas de ilusiones.

En este instante eres alojado frente a ti mismo.

Te levantas y caminas un poco reconociendo la larga extensión física del pasillo,
Muchas voces, caras, gestos, olores, situaciones que ninguna te pertenecen y tu a ellas tampoco.

Empiezas dialogar contigo mismo, extenso y diáfano.

Debates, ríes, te entristeces y sigues adelante con tu timbre endocrino.

De camino, en la senda conciente  ser abismo o Gloria, advertido.

Cuanta esperanza depositaste en lo no establecido  en la partida.

Decisiones, modos, colores y manecillas, muchos lugares en uno solo.

Eres tu muy adentro mío.

Una marea ventajosa, acechante, una ola muy fiera que explota de repente y te acorrala.

Una situación súbita, un susto impertinente.

Fiebre que no suda, virgen y alternativa.

Y llega el momento de salir de el conector inestable, del tubo de acero y cristal.

Despegas  virando con la rueda, en re-vueltas.

Serás tu mismo muy adentro mío.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


This will be your shortest speech? in front of an orphan hearing  with a single word.

This will be your not read paragraph? Without teleprompter, no tabs, no banners.

I will save you the pulpit? The gala clothes, hollow prayers.

Your last curtain call? Ghostly apparition as intermittent shadows.

A script without character? Expressionless face, shades of gray.

Erratic hypothesis? Walking within a plantation of thorns.

Your final postulate? Staring, lost hours.

Favors you never paid?

Your words will be more energetic? Coming from a closed mouth.

Shortcuts, circular adjacent path.

You Started talking and I hear no sound, each sentence is more wrong than the previous like you're talking in many mixed languages, transmitting chaos.

Reverse reading, and your jumping eyes as falling into deep sleep stages.

I keep wondering?

Will this be the last time you tried riches as poverty?

Will this be your conclusion? Sterile, hanging nowhere, negative hallucination.

Would be this time?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Este será tu discurso mas corto? delante de una huérfana audiencia con una sola palabra.

Este será tu párrafo no leído? Sin telepronter, sin fichas, ni pancartas.

Te ahorraremos el pulpito? La ropa de gala, las plegarias huecas.

Sera tu ultima muestra en escena? Aparición fantasmal como intermitencias de sombras.

Un guion sin personaje? Cara inexpresiva a tonos de gris.

Errática hipótesis? Que camina dentro de una plantación de espinas.

Tu postulado definitivo? Mirada perdida, horas que no pasan.

Favores que nunca pagaste?

Serán tus palabras mas enérgicas? Salidas de una boca cerrada.

Trayectoria de atajos circulares y adyacentes,

Comienzas a hablar y parece no escucharse ningún sonido, cada frase es mas equivocada que la anterior como si hablaras en muchos idiomas mezclados, transmitiendo caos.

Al leer vas como en reversa, y tus ojos parecen saltar como cayendo en fases del sueño profundo.

Me sigo preguntando?

Sera esta la ultima vez que trataras las riquezas como pobreza?

Sera esta tu culminación? Estéril, colgado de nada, alucinación en negativo.

Sera esta vez?

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Prisoner of her soft smell, the taste and premature heat, universal.

Deported to her forest contrasting puberty, million shades of green that flirt with the light.

Attached by ties of saliva and knowing glances.

Retaliation of enjoyable gestures, complexity of foreign conditions.

Free fall on her long hair and black eyes, eternal, beautiful.

Besieged far distance came into that ocean, so salty and wet.

Words as vocal cords woven silk, spinning my steps, leading my hours without stopping .

Fingers construct two additional hands that are moving together, accomplices, progressive.

Ideas of enormous horizon.

Her fluency diluted me, travels with me wherever I go, every different place my feelings grow, uplift.

Wise Dialogues of facing souls in a synchronized dance.

My cornerstone, my anchor of feelings.

And did not know how to be fine until getting involved with it.

To love someone? without fear of doing it.

Certain things happen and maintains me so optimistic no matter what happened.

Protecting me, my close encounter and unconditional.
